Posts by admin

Imperfect Family: Family Leadership

Moses made some mistakes when he led the Israelites. We often make the same mistakes in our jobs, and our families. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey examines the steps Moses took, and the steps we can take, to lead our families. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Down, Not Out

We aren’t always confused, but sometimes we are. We don’t always have trouble, but it happens often enough. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey examines the promises God has for our tough times. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Lovable Loser

God prefers losers! If that feels wrong, this message is for you. Pastor Jerry Godsey explains how God uses us losers and makes them the ultimate winners. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: The Real Deal

There are so many different opinions about how your family can navigate the waters of life. In this message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik examines the only way to truly get where you want to be: The Real Deal, Jesus Christ. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Family Second

The world constantly tells us that family should be first. But should it? In this message Pastor Jerry Godsey examines why family should come second, and what our first priority should be. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Building A Home

To build a home you need proper tools and materials. In this message from Remnant Church’s Imperfect Family series, Pastor Jerry Godsey lays out the tools and material you need to build a good home. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: A Good Father

What makes a good father? In this message from Remnant Church’s Family Retreat, Pastor Jeremiah Vik gives the definition of a good father by pointing us to the ultimate father, God. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: A Good Foundation

A good foundation is key to building a house. It is also key to building a great home. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey offers some suggestions for God’s way to build a great foundation for your home. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Live Defensively

What does it mean to live defensively in our homes? Probably not what you think. In today’s message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik tells us that We must allow humility to shape our behavior, trust God with our struggles and keep an eye out for danger. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Under Pressure

Job suffered through many hardships and trials. Through all of it, he remained faithful. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey takes a look at how we can remain faithful to God, and to our families even when we are under pressure. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: What’s The Problem?

So, you say your family isn’t perfect. Why not? In this message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik takes a look at what may be causing the problems in your home, and how to fix them Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Imperfect Family: Imperfect Mom

Every Mother’s Day pastors seem to highlight the perfect mothers, and every year moms walk away feeling like they don’t measure up. In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey talks to the real moms, the Imperfect Moms.   Video: Imperfect Mom Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: Wonderful Counselor

Jesus said he would leave us the Holy Spirit, but what does that mean to us? In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey looks back at Isaiah’s prophecy about the Messiah, and shows just what Jesus does for us each day through the power of the Holy Spirit. Video: Wonderful Counselor Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: Remain In Me

What does it mean to remain in Jesus? In this message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik explains what it means to us that Jesus offers us this great way to live. Video: Remain In Me Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: Way, Truth, Life

When Jesus said he was “the way, the truth, the life” his words were as informative as they were profound.  In this message, Pastor Jerry Godsey explains exactly what Jesus meant, and why Jesus is the only way to heaven. Video: Way, Truth, Life Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: Not Just My Feet

Jesus didn’t just talk about service, he modeled it. In this message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik takes a good look at what service looked like when Jesus did it, and what it should look like when we do it. Video: Not Just My Feet Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: The Risen One

Mary went to the tomb on the third day to preserve Jesus’ body, only to find that he wasn’t there! Jesus had risen from the dead, just like he said he would. In this Easter Sunday message, Pastor Jerry Godsey examines how Mary reacted to the resurrection, and how we should also. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: Not Guilty

Jesus was sentenced to die like a common criminal, but there was nothing common about this death. In this Good Friday message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik looks at Good Friday, and explains how the one was was not guilty died to save all of us who are guilty. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Facing Jesus: Please Save

The shouts from the crowd on Palm Sunday meant more than they knew. In this  Palm Sunday message, Pastor Jeremiah Vik examines what the cries of the crowd meant, and what they mean to us. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS